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"'What if you're not crazy, and maybe you're an emotional human being?'


Somehow, I had to hear it from someone else - someone as smart and compassionate as Jessi - to truly believe it… I'd like to add that Jessi's secret sauce, I think, is both her style of questioning (it is gentle, firm, and humorous at the same time) and her depth of knowledge. It really opens me up to being excited and curious about reexamining what I held as truths. The knowledge thing helps, especially for Ravenclaws like me.”

Mona Zhang, CEO, Bra Theory

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“I had to recognize the emotions I was hiding, the things

I was ashamed of, or who's opinion I was afraid of in order

to realize I was suffocating my most authentic self. This is

when the real "ah-ha moments" came through.”

Christine Samson

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"Being in a collective with others also made me feel a part of something - and know that my struggles aren't just me. It also felt like I had a collective female space to hear from those older than me, which is something I've missed most of my life."

Alexis Bakalakos

“With Jessi's encouragement and insightful guidance, I was able to move through the confusion and shame I felt and begin to choose a path forward.”

Megan Hansen

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“Talking to Jessi made me feel like someone heard me for the first time and she never made me feel “crazy” for believing what I did about my body and size.”

Laura Cable, Attorney at Law

“Working with Jessi felt like talking to an old friend. She understood me well enough to offer an educated perspective that felt personal. I believe that her willingness to let our sessions go wherever they needed to really helped me to work on the right things at the right times. I felt guided, but never restricted.”



“I don't know if body image issues will ever go away completely, but when I DO have the occasional intrusive thoughts, I have all the tools that Jessi taught me to recognize them, get curious about why they are there, and techniques to fight them off.”

Nikki, Software Engineer

Ashley Dearborn, Product Manager/Adventurer/Warrior

"When I applied for coaching, I felt like I had lost myself. I felt isolated from the world, disconnected from the people around me, and struggled with anxiety – which only served to magnify my struggles with body image. 

After coaching, I don’t feel like I have to hide anymore. I can take up space and show up as my authentic self without fear of judgement and rejection. I speak up more, I interact with others more, and don’t feel afraid of opening up, being vulnerable, and making deep and meaningful connections with people. I no longer feel disconnected and isolated from the world. I feel lighter, happier, and more confident. I don’t feel the need to change my body to love myself anymore, I can love myself now, just as I am. I feel like I got my life back, and it’s so much better than I imagined it could be.

Jessi showed me how to trust myself and how to be kind to myself. Doing this work has shown me that there is more strength inside of me than I ever realized. I never imagined that I would be able to love and care for myself in such a deep and soul nourishing way."



"Through working with Jessi, I realised a lot of my beliefs about myself stemmed from worrying about what the opposite gender thought of me. She taught me to lead a one woman rebellion within myself and dismantle that shit.

Jessi helped me identify my ‘triggers,’ and many of my triggers have vanished since the coaching, for example feeling completely crap about myself, comparing/hating myself and getting incredibly jealous when I’m around other women who are way more attractive than me. Now I just think ‘wow, she’s beautiful’ and then I move on.


I no longer feel like my self-worth lies in how I look. I don’t work out as much anymore, I indulge in my favourite foods without the guilt, and I’m just no longer so strict with myself."

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Kendall Demarest, Music Editor/Fierce Friend/Grief Warrior/Mindful Explorer

"Working with Jessi was hands down one of the best investments I have ever made.


I have struggled with body image for half my life and wasn’t sure it was possible to find freedom from those thoughts. I came to her when I was experiencing some of the most difficult turbulence of my life – entangled in negative thoughts about my body, food stigma, grief, and anxiety.


Jessi’s approach to coaching consisted of strategic, challenging, and insightful questioning to get to the real root of these issues, finding the common ground between them all and helping sift through the narratives that contributed to each one.

After just a few months of working with Jessi, I can say confidently that it is absolutely possible to escape the matrix of negative body image!


While the journey is never over, I have learned so much that it would be impossible to go back to where I started. Jessi helped me explore my past and present to become the future self I have always wanted to be. She is truly gifted in what she does, and I couldn’t have asked for a more rewarding, life-changing experience."

"Working with Jessi has made a huge difference in my life. When I came to her I felt like my negative body image thoughts were taking over my mind all day long.


I remember when Jessi asked what I was hoping to get out of coaching and I said 'to wear a bikini without having anxiety or crying about it.' And I can happily say I achieved that... and have even worn my bikini without constant negative thoughts about my body!


One of the main things that helped was body neutrality. I was having such negative thoughts about my body and trying to go to loving my body and only thinking positive thoughts about my body. So being able to find neutrality was a crucial part of my journey.


I think also realizing it is okay to have negative thoughts sometimes, but learning how to disconnect those negative thoughts from living my life was also crucial.


Jessi exceeded my expectations, I am truly blessed that I came across her and will forever be grateful that she has been part of my journey!"


Kate Connell


"One of the biggest revelations I had while working with Jessi was that I am not inherently and irreparably broken–I need to be healed, not fixed.

Through Jessi’s exercises, I gained tools to heal myself. Through her questions, my paradigms changed. And when no one else was as angry as I wanted them to be about my sexual trauma, Jessi felt like my champion, affirming that I was truly hurt and that those feelings mattered.

I went from constantly feeling under attack from others and myself to being able to protect myself and set boundaries. I went from chastising myself for not feeling how I “should” to accepting my feelings and asking why. The road ahead of me is long and unclear, yet I have hope that I will heal, that I am not doomed for eternal displeasure. My newfound sense of power will overcome haunting memories, harsh inner dialogue, and a numb body.

Working with Jessi will give you the opportunity to heal and love yourself. Jessi will give you hope."

Brenna McDermot


"After years of following Jessi on social media, I decided to enroll in her group coaching to kind of really focus on my relationship with my body, especially in the professional world. In my adult life, I kind of had felt that if I could shrink my body, then I could keep my personality large. I have a very large personality. I have a lot of thoughts and opinions. I’m pretty strong. I have a lot of conviction and I stand up for what’s right, and I’m not always received very well. But, I had felt shame with it because I had thought that people wouldn’t listen to me and that I was difficult and I was a burden because I was a large girl and that if I was small people would then think that I was spunky and quirky and sassy, but appealing.


And working with Jessi what I realized is that like…my voice is something that I’m very proud of and for me to punish my body because of the size of my voice is just misdirecting a lot of frustration, and what we really uncovered is that the problem has to do with the way that people, the way that society views strong women. It has nothing to do with the size of my body."


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"As we wrap up 2020, I just wanted to say thank you for all your support this year. Going in, I really didn’t know what to expect. I just went with my intuition, which was telling me this was an opportunity that I really would benefit from and so I went into it with honestly not a lot of expectations, just open to whatever would happen and I’ve been really, really thrilled and grateful for the support from not just you as our coach but everyone in the group. What a supportive environment to share ideas, to get inspiration. Everyone’s been so generous with their time and giving of ideas. When we get together it’s like a big brainstorm I feel like and a time of ideation and everyone contributes and is looking to help each other succeed. So I’m really thrilled to have been part of the group and I think that’s why I think we’re feeling – all of us in the group – a sense of sadness as this year wraps up, which is why I’m joining you again for 2021 so I can keep growing and learning and continue to be part of an amazing group.


Thank you so much."

Jessica Padilla Bowen

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