The Avatars Quiz
What are the Body Image Avatars & How Do They Work?
Each of the four Body Image Avatars is connected to a different root cause or reason that body image issues might exist for someone. When I explore each avatar, I will be painting in very broad strokes, and speaking generally about the patterns I often see among folks who share that root cause.
You can think of the avatars like an astrological sign, or attachment style— it’s a great place to start organizing your understanding of yourself and your body image, but it’s inherently missing the complexity, nuance, and personalization of your individual experience.
The Four Body Image Avatars Are:
The Self-Objectifier: The self-spectator who craves intimacy and secure partnership, but feels beholden to the male gaze (or gaze of potential partners), and needs everyone to find them attractive.
The Outsider: The people-pleaser who feels isolated and unseen (even if they have lots of friends!), and needs people to like and accept them.
The Runner: The disembodied numb-out addict, who struggles to feel their feelings and needs to control everything in order to feel safe.
The High Achiever: The discipline-and-self-control worshipper who is terrified of being seen as “lazy,” and needs everyone to think they have their shit together.
The Avatars Quiz will show you the avatar that is most like you, followed by other avatars that are also like you, but to a lesser degree. You may be more like one avatar or a few of them, or you may have attributes of all four. Take the quiz to find out!