Within fifteen minutes of purchasing this self-study digital course, you’ll receive the links to all eight modules of course material delivered straight to your inbox, so that you can work your way through it at your own pace!
The course material includes over ten hours of video content, and each module comes with a set of accompanying worksheets (packed with resources, practices, tools, and journal questions), to help you put what you’re learning into action.
Module 1: The Cult of Patriarchy & Internalized Oppression
Learn how our internalized conditioning under patriarchy teaches us to actually control and oppress ourselves, using the same strategies we see playing out in cult psychology– and how to push back!
Module 2: Sexism and Self-Objectification
Learn the difference between oppositional and traditional sexism, and how to identify and dismantle your own internalized and oppressive beliefs around gender.
Module 3: Untangling Your Appearance From Your Worth
Break the association between your appearance and your value, by exploring your own authentic aesthetic preferences, and reconsidering the kind of person you’re striving to attract (and why).
Module 4: Reconnecting to Yourself & Your Body
Understand how being disconnected from ourselves makes us more vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation, and develop the skill of tuning into (and trusting) the wisdom of your body and intuition.
Module 5: Building the Skills of Self-Advocacy
Get better at standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, speaking your truth, holding people accountable for their behavior, navigating conflict, and taking up space.
Module 6: Great Sex Under Patriarchy
Explore how patriarchal messaging around sex, gender, pleasure, and worthiness make sex worse, and develop the skills needed to cultivate the healthy, fulfilling, pleasurable, and joyful sex life you desire.
Module 7: Great Relationships Under Patriarchy
Kick the patriarchy out of your romantic life, by learning strategies to make the dating process more enjoyable, empowering, and effective, as well as how to cultivate intimate relationships that feel healthy, authentic, fulfilling, and equitable.