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Transparent Tuesday strikes again!

* Editor’s note: These posts were written back when my brand name was Remodel Fitness. I’ve decided to include them here without editing them, in the interest of…well… transparency. 😉


Welcome to the second edition of Transparent Tuesdays!

After last week’s Tuesday email, I got tons of amazing feedback on the direction I’m going with Remodel Fitness.

That got me very excited and inspired, and this week I decided to share some stuff about me!

If you’re on my mailing list, you’ve probably either followed me on social media, or read some of my blog posts. When it comes to me, my body, and my feelings, I put it all out there.

I consider my inner experiences to be fundamentally more important than my outer experiences

So you’ve probably seen a lot about what I’m learning, processing, and feeling. You might know I like my crazy hair and I don’t like to wear clothes, but I rarely talk about my day-to-day stuff, or my past. I figure now is a good time to catch you up!

I’m 29 years old. I love getting older. The older I get the more beautiful, happy, brave, and open-hearted I feel. Also, the more seriously people take me. And I love that

I’m juuuust over 5’3, which is something even people who know me seem to be surprised by.

I was an “indoor kid.” I had asthma. I hated sports. I was in marching band. I loved writing papers, reading books, taking exams, and arts and crafts.

I’m from upstate NY, about 5 hours from the city. It was a small rural town. In high school, we had “drive your tractor to school day.” People did.

Cows are my favorite animal. Probably because there were so many around growing up, but also because I find them adorable and amazing.

I graduated high school a semester early, so I could live abroad for 6 months in Chile. It ended up being a terrible experience, but it brought me to where I am today so I’m very grateful.

I wanted to be a musical theater actor, and I took a year off between high school and college to attend a full-time dance program.

I moved to NYC at 19 to attend NYU for acting. For financial reasons, I dropped out and finished my acting training through an amazing conservatory program.

I discovered personal training on accident, and fell in love with the ability to directly help people feel better in their bodies. Giving up acting to focus on training was difficult, but also one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. (I just didn’t love acting enough.)

I have 2 tattoos, one on each forearm, and I love them so, so, so much. I already have lots of ideas for more. I think when all is said and done, I’ll have 7 total.

A friend’s family helped finance my website for Remodel Fitness. I was pretty broke, and never would have spent that much money to hire someone to build a website. They gave me that opportunity, and knowing someone was investing in me made me work 10x harder to figure out what I really wanted to create. Without that family, RF never would have been born.

My favorite color is bright yellow, like the color of a daffodil.

I love fiction, and have been a total bookworm my whole life. Many of my best friends are fictional, and many of my best memories never happened to me. I especially like young adult stories with strong female leads, fantasy, speculative fiction, and anything uplifting. I will NOT read thrillers, mysteries, crime novels, or anything else that will stress my sensitive imagination out.

Someday I will write uplifting young adult novels with young female heros.

In August I became a nomad, with no plan. Now my plan is for 2016 to consist mostly of foreign-country travel. I’m currently spending 3 months in Costa Rica, for no particular reason, other than: I’d heard it’s nice. (It is!) I think my next stop will be Thailand, but we shall see. All I care about is living in a place that inspires me, having a strong wifi connection, and being able to get around on my own.

Remodel Fitness is pretty much just me. Other than my kickass assistant who helps me with formatting and organization, I do everything myself. I write and edit, post on social media daily, answer emails, brainstorm projects, create content, write workout programs, and coach all my clients personally. Please know that:

I love getting to know you

And it’s helpful to hear what you’re struggling with, because it shows me how I can better help you.

If you email me, I might take a while to get back to you, but when I do I promise I’ll really be the one reading and writing to you.

I’m here, and I’m listening, and I do this work for you. So please don’t hesitate to reach out.

<3 Jessi Kneeland Get strong. Feel confident. Look amazing.

PS. If you loved this blast, feel free to share it 🙂

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