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Jul 5, 20161 min read
#AskJessiKneeland – When will the inner work I’m doing “stick”?
You’ve worked really hard to adopt a positive mindset, to stop judging yourself and others, and to be the person you want to be. But at...

Jul 5, 20164 min read
{#TransparentTuesday} Why I never talk about fitness anymore
Editor’s note: These posts were written back when my brand name was Remodel Fitness. I’ve decided to include them here without editing...

Jul 1, 201610 min read
Why I Had To Give Up Atheism To Love Myself
“I am not a cosmic orphan. I have no reason to be timid.” -The Actor’s Vow, Elia Kazaan My personal journey to spirituality is a topic...

Jun 29, 20161 min read
#AskJessiKneeland – You’re empathetic, how do you stop letting other people’s feelings affect
You feel like you are easily swayed by others, and always let other people’s opinions affect your own. You know you “should” be more...

Jun 28, 20164 min read
{TransparentTuesday} I was big enough to hold it all
Editor’s note: These posts were written back when my brand name was Remodel Fitness. I’ve decided to include them here without editing...

Jun 24, 20161 min read
#AskJessiKneeland – How do you simply *choose* to be Happy?
For this #AskJessiKneeland video I answer the questions “How are you supposed to just choose happiness?” and “doesn’t choosing just mean...

Jun 21, 20163 min read
{Transparent Tuesday} Your flaws are not a threat
Editor’s note: These posts were written back when my brand name was Remodel Fitness. I’ve decided to include them here without editing...

Jun 14, 20162 min read
{Transparent Tuesday} A love letter for you…
Editor’s note: These posts were written back when my brand name was Remodel Fitness. I’ve decided to include them here without editing...

Jun 9, 20161 min read
How can you create a positive ripple effect across the world?
Do you struggle with social anxiety or a feeling of being “completely drained” by social interactions? This is more common than you might...

Jun 7, 20163 min read
{#TransparentTuesday} Stop “shoulding” all over yourself
Editor’s note: These posts were written back when my brand name was Remodel Fitness. I’ve decided to include them here without editing...
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